Gymnastics Class Descriptions

Preschool Gymnastics
Tiny Tots / Tumble Tots:
This great class is an entry into organized classes and social arenas where parent and child participate together! Led and supervised by a teacher, stations are set up and kids travel through the circuit with Mom, Dad or caregiver, learning so much about themselves and what their bodies can do. Comfortable for all, this class begins a physical education program that is so vital to the health of kids! Music, props and FUN included! (No extra charge for the exercise the parents get here!!!). Tiny Tots, ages walking-21 months, Tumble Tots, ages 21 months-3.5 years.
3-4, 4-5 year old classes:
Arcadia offers an excellent preschool program with toddler size equipment that is safer for the young ones than traditional equipment. Our teachers love these little guys and girls and care that they are learning safely and correctly. We use themes in our preschool classes that make learning fun, and within each theme are educational lessons that the children get when they think they’re just having fun! We teach gymnastics, but so much more! Often you’ll see the kids doing an activity working on hand-eye coordination, or fine motor skills, or just fun movement education where they learn about their bodies and space around them. Of course they learn skills like listening and following instructions, working alongside their peers, setting goals and feeling the excitement of achieving them and many other skills that set them up for a productive life, but many people don’t realize that they are also getting SMARTER as they learn gymnastics! What fun! All events in gymnastics are covered in our preschool classes, plus lots more! Small teacher:student ratios.
* New 3 year olds should try to enroll in the classes marked with an asterisk, as they are geared more with the foundational skills needed to progress.
** 5 year olds with 2 years of experience may inquire about availability in this more advanced preschool class.
Recreational School-age Gymnastics
For girls kindergarten through high school, we have classes that will teach gymnastics basics as well as provide exercise and FUN! We use all of the traditional gymnastics equipment, including our in-ground trampoline, 40 foot long tumbling trampoline, and our huge foam pit! Kids love learning new skills and since we teach by progression, you can be confident that your kids are as safe as possible, learning skills appropriate for their level. Classes are designed such that kids about the same age are together, then within the class they are split into groups based on their gymnastics level. This way everyone works to their ability and learns at their own pace. Coordination, social skills, goal setting and achieving and so much more are gained from these classes. Fun and challenging! Teacher:student ratio is kept at or below industry standards.
Jewel Team is a more advanced class for kids who have been in recreational gymnastics for awhile, who have good basics and want to learn more. By invitation or testing, these kids keep progressing in their skills and learn routines appropriate for their skill level. Gymnasts may choose to advance from here to the Xcel level of competitive gymnastics, or stay in this class as long as they would like for fun and skill advancement.

Boys Gymnastics
Fun, fun and more fun! Boys gymnastics classes aren’t for wimps! It’s all about strength and power, and the boys in our classes are developing just that! No balance beams for these guys! Trampoline, rings, parallel bars, tumble trak, pommel horse and more are used in our boys class. You’ll build strength, body awareness and control, coordination, and skills like working together through the activities done in this class. It’s not surprising that we have SO many parents tell us years later that their boy is a superstar in soccer, baseball, basketball, football, etc., because of the agility, speed and strength they got from our boys class! All boys 6 and up are welcome! Teacher:student ratio kept at or below industry standards. Beginning and advanced groupings are available.
Adult Gymnastics
Just when you thought all the fun was for the kids, Arcadia started a class for adults! Just over a year old, this class has become the highlight of the week for the regular attendees. No experience? We don't care! Think you're out of shape and can't do it? Give it a try and see how quickly you get into shape. It's a "no judgement zone" and it's all about positive thoughts, fun times, and yes, learning (or re-learning) gymnastics. Best part? You can wear your comfy sweats and make new friends while having a blast in the gym!